Because of the remarkable gains achieved by automation and artificial intelligence, the dynamics of the global future market are shifting quicker than ever before in the 4th industrial revolution — and this rate of change will continue to increase exponentially over time. In the face of technological advancements and changing corporate needs, the information and abilities that kids get in their present school education might quickly become obsolete, and even today’s most heralded skills will likely become obsolete in the next few decades. As disruptive technologies pervade the global economy, it’s not unreasonable to predict that robots would supplant numerous monotonous jobs, with bots’ technological minds capable of performing tasks and making sensible decisions.
Because the twenty-first century is characterized by complexity and rapid change, it is critical that your child’s mental growth and development prepare them to confront future problems. In today’s dynamic and digital world, when new approaches and tools can give your child an advantage over the competition, providing an environment that promotes emotional and intellectual development while also making learning enjoyable is essential. To meet this requirement, our educational system must incorporate the following “essential aspects” into the pedagogical curriculum, which will foster adaptation and prepare children for an unpredictable future:
التعلم القائم على المشاريع: Incorporating cultural and pedagogical innovations into curricular practices can assist young learners in analyzing situations, applying theoretical knowledge imaginatively to real-world challenges, communicating solutions convincingly, and collaborating with others. Furthermore, mastering ‘STEM’ and ‘STREAM’ courses will assist the child in focusing on the holistic development of learners and equip them with critical thinking, reasoning, teamwork, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. When a 6-year-old child conducts a basic experiment to determine whether “sunlight is vital for plant feeding and growth,” they are learning to think critically by establishing a hypothesis, evaluating the data, interpreting the results, and making conclusions. Later in life, when the child wishes to examine the efficacy of a business strategy or entrepreneurial chances, this critical thinking talent will come in helpful. Similarly, when students learn how to balance a budget for a school project or manage their own pocket money, they are learning more than just math ideas. In real-life events, as well as attempting to gain a rudimentary understanding of economic fundamentals. Children learn how to investigate, differentiate facts from fiction, collaborate, and communicate in professional contexts while publishing their own school magazine or self-designed picture book. Such a project-based learning strategy will aid the child in developing skills such as spatial thinking, cognitive capacities, and creative quotient, as well as preparing them for the obstacles they would face in colleges and the job.
A ‘Skillful Curriculum’: It is critical to reform and update the whole education curriculum in order to equip youngsters with 21st-century skills and break down barriers between education and the real world. The newly planned curriculum should place a greater emphasis on pedagogy that focuses on ‘learners’ and ‘learning goals,’ rather than ‘what to teach.’ Simply said, a ‘Skillful Curriculum’ should provide young children with the knowledge they require to face the future with a dynamic, accountable, and forward-thinking mindset. It also aims to build the precise cognitive, emotional, creative, and interpersonal skills required to succeed in the twenty-first-century rat race. Educators must take it a step further by emphasizing flipped classrooms, in which theoretical components are acquired outside of the classroom and the practical portion is taught face-to-face in an interactive and instructive manner. For example, students can understand a self-taught grammatical concept like “types of the conjunction” better by watching a video instruction or doing research on the issue outside of class. The youngster develops a stronger connection with the concepts and engages in active exploration as a result of combining tangible experiences with abstract concepts and then reflecting on the results. In a nutshell, a skill-based curriculum will aid young brains in becoming creative, well-informed, passionate, and joyful learners while also meeting their new-world demands and preparing them for future competition.
Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI): The worldwide future market will be established through communication, collaboration, and invention, all of which are reliant on technology. Internet technology and artificial intelligence (AI) would transform the entire world into a global marketplace and workspace that offers a diverse range of opportunities to highly talented, critical, and creative leaders. Global trends, on the other hand, clearly imply that any job that is a process- or rule-based (or repetitive in nature) will be better performed by smart computers, or bots, in the future. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on highly complex and constantly evolving technologies, the demand for critical thinkers, problem solvers, and acute observers will grow dramatically. Additionally, in order to be a ‘Forward Thinker’ in the future job market, the youngster must be able to spot problems while investigating numerous causes and systems. As a result, it’s crucial to give your child the opportunity to learn about, explore, and design AI while also encouraging innovation and instilling the necessary critical skills.
الخلاصة: The new world will require essential talents and abilities that are vastly different from what we are accustomed to. Your children will be swept away in a tsunami of constant change if they lack crucial skills and technological knowledge. So, beyond fundamental school education, the primary question on every parent’s mind right now is ‘How to prepare their children for future competition.’ The education system, as we know it, just does not adequately prepare young brains for academic growth and long-term success. Most students lack the skills and information necessary to be effective professionals or critical thinkers in the global employment market. As a result, as parents, we must assist our children in becoming future-ready by making sound educational decisions, exposing them to technology and AI, and encouraging them to master skills that we lack. Parents must also value their children’s freedom, individuality, and hobbies while teaching them that objectives can be achieved through hard work.