فوائد الدراسة في الخارج

One must leave their country in order to pursue higher goals, and one must travel because doing so has five advantages: reducing anxiety, improving one’s living conditions, learning new things, developing manners, and, last but not least, discovering one’s true love or best friend. I wholeheartedly concur with this poetry, and ever since I first read it, I have been inspired and have traveled around. Studying abroad is a form of travel since it helps you be ready for a journey of self-discovery via learning. Additionally, one is separated from the coziness of home and the proximity of parents, family, and friends. Here is a list of the various ways that studying abroad enriches our lives:


  1. Self-dependent. Without the help of our families, we develop independence by learning to clean, wash, cook, shop, pay bills, open bank accounts, make friends, and—most importantly—study. You are living on your own, taking care of the necessities of life. You choose your own meals and buy your own groceries, or you can choose to dine out and put your health at risk. Maybe you will do it, I’m saying.
  2. Joining organizations and clubs to broaden one’s horizons or just to be active. This task is not difficult; every institution abroad has a variety of clubs and societies, and you can start your own if you so choose. The clubs and societies may focus on sports, culture, education, leisure activities, and more. The following is a list of clubs and societies from one university: Here is a link where you may learn more about actuarial science, Amnesty, , architecture society, art society, chess, women in STEM society, and other topics.
  3. Knowing your neighbors is crucial since you never know when you might need a cup of sugar or a piece of bread. You might also visit a neighbor if they’re feeling under the weather, wash their dishes, or take care of their animals. I’ll share a personal anecdote with you. When I was a student studying abroad in the 1980s, I had a neighbor. The first week I lived there, I baked cakes for everyone to show that I was hospitable, but only my closest neighbor sent me a note saying how much she enjoyed the cake. Because we had remained in touch over the years, she sent the reference letter to me and the project I was working on. That demonstrates the value of getting to know your neighbors and maintaining communication with them.
  4. Knowing your professors is obviously crucial as well. By knowing them, I don’t mean that you would want to do so in the hope that they will help you on exams; rather, I mean that it is great to be able to communicate with them, perhaps invite them for coffee, or send them a gift on special occasions. I also had to have one professor read my thesis before submitting it, and I had the same experience with the academics as in number 4 above.
  5. كل بلد لديه art galleries, museums, historical sites, parks, and other interesting locations that are worth visiting. There are many coffee shops where you came from, but not many sights that may be as mind-blowing as that hot cup of coffee. It is not sufficient to simply be in a place and be familiar with its cafés. Keep in mind that there are many different ways to get around; instead of wasting your hard-earned money on taxis, which will severely impact your budget, consider walking, cycling, or taking public transportation.
  6. I don’t know whether you calculated the number of holidays you will have while studying, but let me put it out there for you: you will have at least 5 months of vacation time! Of course, obtaining affordable plane tickets initially is the key. Yes, for at least five months. While some of these vacations last just two or three weeks, others might go up to two months. As a result, whether you are a student in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, or any other country, you may need to set aside some of your allotted allowance for travel. It is crucial to go to other nations while you are already overseas; all you need is a visa and a few of your fellow students to get started. Once you have determined the country you will visit on each vacation, do some research on the attractions and must-see locations. If you don’t think you can afford it, my recommendation is to spend a year studying abroad (more on this topic below), which will allow you to travel and study at the same time. As you will be sleeping in the dorm, you can save money on lodging in this way.
  7. I can’t think of anything I cherish more than making lifelong friendships while studying abroad. I still keep in touch with the girls and lads that were in my study group. Having friends is a fantastic advantage because one never knows what could happen when traveling.
  8. Interacting with and getting to know students from diverse cultural backgrounds. We all have neighbors and friends from different countries, but because we are so busy with school and family, we may not get a chance to introduce ourselves. However, when we are overseas, we can do this during breaks, group projects, university clubs, and perhaps during parties and gatherings. Of course, living with other students can also be a terrific way to learn about different cultures and have an open mind to what others have to offer. We shall learn and educate in such great quantities that it will impact every aspect of our existence.
  9. We all understand the value of learning new languages; there is a proverb that goes, “A second language is another human being living inside of us.” I won’t dwell on this.
  10. العيش في حدود إمكانياتك, no matter how tiny, is a crucial consideration. We must all fend for ourselves and live within our means because, regrettably, not all of us are fortunate enough to have a good budget. Let’s wait for the job that will require us to get that LV bag and Ferrari automobile, but in the meantime, there are countless stores where one may shop while staying within their means. I’m referring to the food, apparel, and even books. The Sunday market sells books as well as fruits and vegetables, and there are always sales of books there. Find those markets, as they could save you a lot of money.
  11. If you have a comfort zone, then experience life outside of it. Everywhere you go, you may find good memories since life is so wonderful. Make an effort to be that person who takes the initiative and is willing to alter things. Everything can work for you if you are prepared to give it a shot. We cannot say, “Oh, that thing doesn’t fit me.”
  12. كن مستقلا is a quality that you should constantly strive to develop. You have to accept your independence and live a life that will earn your parents’ trust and pride since you are on your own and nobody is going to come to your rescue if you get into trouble. Being independent does not grant you complete freedom; instead, you must adapt to the circumstances. Being responsible for your life and the lives of others is a prerequisite for independence, which cannot be attained without it.
  13. Intercultural communication, The challenge of living overseas is interacting with people from over 200 different nationalities who have varied skin colors, racial backgrounds, religious beliefs, and dietary preferences. You must interact with them and learn from them, keeping in mind that we are not traveling to exclusively interact with people of our own type; rather, we must mingle with and absorb from others. Otherwise, you’ll inevitably be alone and might even suffer.
  14. Gain exposure, this is crucial. One must show off their intellect, creativity, creative side, compassion, and sometimes their fragility. As you are on your own and must be very creative in exposing yourself to all situations, let the world see whatever is inside you. Make an effort to become well-known so that if you disappear, others will look for you.
  15. Research with the professors; this is a crucial point. At every university, there are always paid and unpaid jobs available, such as grading papers and tutoring. In addition, the majority of professors are engaged in research, and you can assist them by finding statistics or other studies that support or refute what they are writing about. Your participation in this process is crucial and will help you greatly when you write your own thesis.
  16. Taking advantage of placement chances. Companies can request certain projects from universities, and if you are smart and have established a name for yourself in your profession, you can be sent to those businesses, where you would earn experience and recognition. These placements are occasionally unpaid, but they frequently offer benefits for you that will improve your life.
  17. Study degrees that are not offered in your own country. Of course, before studying abroad, you would have done some soul-searching to determine what suits your skills. If you can find that major at home, why not? Do it at home and get your Ph.D. or Masters abroad. To differentiate oneself, one must pursue majors that are not offered at home.
  18. تعلم مهارة جديدة. You may still learn a skill while attending school, whether it is in the evenings, on the weekends, or even during the intervals between semesters. You can learn to play an instrument, grow a garden, create fine art, create sculptures, make glass, bake bread, make cakes, sew dresses, work with electricity, etc. There are several talents that one can learn overseas; one can do this by enrolling in a specialized class at the community center, a night or weekend school, or one of the many university organizations.
  19. Make friends from other countries; you can find these people in the cafeteria, the market, the dorms, the classrooms, or pretty much anyplace. What do you think is going to happen when you have pals from other countries? You can go to their nations and absorb their cultures. Traveling is not enough to earn a degree! The ancillary aspects of studying abroad are equally crucial. Spending “four years” abroad can make you lifelong pals.
  20. Learn to take care of yourself; before traveling abroad, you’ll need to know how to make your morning breakfast and possibly prepare some rice. You also need to be aware of other things. Spend your final year of school with your parents and pick their brains. Before beginning a journey, one should learn how to cook, buy groceries, fix a broken light, pay the bills, open and manage a bank account, and many other skills. Find out all the specifics. I must tell you a little anecdote right now. I just spent an hour on the phone with my son, who was studying in New Zealand, demonstrating how to prepare white rice. Try to guess how much that rice costs.
  21. Learn to cook; there’s an American proverb that I particularly like: “A girl’s got to eat.” Although we must eat, we do not need to rely on the campus cafeteria because we all crave home-cooked cuisine (at least I do). Making your own food is also much more affordable and satisfying in certain ways. It’s not difficult to prepare your daily meals, and who knows? When you get back home, you might work two jobs.
  22. Manage your personal finances by maintaining a spreadsheet that details your monthly budget and expected costs. You don’t have to deny yourself the lovely cake you see at your neighborhood café, but if you do, you must give up something else. Additionally, you do not have to refrain from buying; instead, you can allocate a monthly budget for items like clothing while still doing the majority of your shopping during the deals (mainly on boxing day or after Easter)
  23. Laundry needs to be done; I can’t stress this enough. You can find yourself without a pair of jeans or those crucial socks. Do this religiously because it’s just as crucial as attending your lectures because you might miss them or go out with your buddies if you don’t.
  24. عندما أقول “networking,” I don’t just mean talking or chit-chatting with your friends and fellow students; I also mean visiting other departments, attending seminars and lectures, and lingering after to chat with the professors or students there. Around the institution, there are frequently significant events that you can attend to advance your knowledge and expand your network.
  25. You might complete an internship as part of a class assignment, as a requirement for your university, or just for the experience. The majority of the time, internships are unpaid; but, on occasion, a lump payment, as well as a possible travel and subsistence allowance, may be awarded at the end of the internship. These internships can be found on the university websites or by asking the various departments if they are available.
  26. As important as studying is, volunteering keeps you occupied, gives you the support network you need when you’re alone and lets you give back while you’re at it. Imagine your resume stating that you traveled to China to assist the disabled or to Africa to teach youngsters. Your worth will increase significantly. Keep in mind that anything you do will first benefit you, then benefit others. This will help you stay grounded and learn to appreciate life. By spending just a few hours caring for an elderly woman or man, we can return some of the benefits we have received to the community.
  27. Be an ambassador for your nation and keep in mind that when you travel, people will ask you, “Where are you from? ” You can answer the question by stating your hometown, but you should first consider it. “I’m going to show that I belong there by being sincere, sincere, diligent, smart, enjoyable to be around, non-discriminatory, and so on.”
  28. Joining a study abroad program; these programs are available at all universities, but sometimes the university is required to have a list of associated universities abroad; therefore, if you don’t think you can afford to travel during your vacations, my recommendation to you is to do a study abroad year; you can travel while studying. As you will be sleeping in the dorm, you can save money on lodging in this way. Keep in mind that you can attend a very expensive university for your study abroad year and that you must pay the costs of your home university.
  29. Each major you choose for study receives training in that discipline. No matter where you work, it’s crucial to receive training in your field there and accumulate some experience before returning home. The advantage of this is that employers won’t be able to claim that you lack experience in your industry and cannot be hired because your training will be listed on your resume.
  30. When the time comes for you to return home and settle, you can try to get a job in addition to the training because that will give you a significant advantage. You might obtain a position right away because you have already completed the training, internship, and/or placement. If a position opens, perhaps the same business where you received your training will hire you. Keep in mind that working overseas can help you gain more experience and earn more money. A job at a hospital will also advance your specialization if you work in the medical profession.


The list above is not intended to be mutually exclusive, and there may be many more reasons that I haven’t covered; nevertheless, you can add them by leaving a comment on this site. At Tiger Campus, we also provide advice and consultation for higher education. Feel free to contact us for more details!

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المنشورات المشابهة

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يشعر العديد من الآباء بالقلق بشأن مستقبل أبنائهم، ولسبب وجيه. فقد أصبح الاستعداد للدخول إلى الاقتصاد العالمي أكثر صعوبة بسبب المنافسة المتزايدة. ويشعر العديد من الآباء بالقلق بشأن مستقبل أبنائهم. لقد أصبح الاستعداد للدخول إلى الاقتصاد العالمي أكثر تعقيدًا. يمكنك مساعدة طفلك

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لافتة التعليم الرئيسية بالحجم الطبيعي

يجب أن يتضمن المنهج الدراسي الروبوتات

يمكن استخدام تدريس الروبوتات في أي صف وموضوع، وليس فقط العلوم والرياضيات. مع الحفاظ على التركيز التعليمي للفصل، يمكن للمعلمين استخدام الروبوتات لدمج العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات وعلوم الكمبيوتر. لتكملة درس الأدب، يمكن للطلاب برمجة الروبوتات لتصوير رحلات الشخصيات الأدبية. يمكن للطلاب تحديد الوقت الذي يستغرقه كل منهم.

IGCSE هو المنهج الدراسي الأفضل لطفلك

فيما يلي تسع فوائد لشهادة IGCSE ولماذا قد تكون المنهج الدراسي المثالي لطفلك، بغض النظر عما إذا كنت تفكر في الالتحاق ببرنامج IGCSE في ماليزيا أو كنت طالبًا أجنبيًا يقارن بين برنامج IGCSE وغيره. إن مستوى GCE O في ماليزيا قابل للمقارنة إلى حد كبير


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