الفرق بين IGCSE وCambridge O Levels

غلاف IGCSE

In many ways, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the Cambridge O levels are identical.
As a result, there is often some ambiguity over which is the preferable option for students.

الشهادة العامة الدولية للتعليم الثانوي (IGCSE)

  •  The standard is similar to the British GCSE and GCE O levels.
  • Likewise, candidates may take one or more IGCSE subjects to qualify for the ICE (International Certificate of Education).
  • IGCSE grades range from A* (highest) to G (lowest). In spite of that, some disciplines have a core curriculum (C-G) and an extended curriculum (A*-C). These include also knowledge, comprehension, initiative, problem-solving skills, oral and practical ability.
  • Students gain information just as understanding, and the ability to apply what they have learned.
  • The course work option in various areas yet allows teachers to participate in the assessment process.
  • IGCSE also leads to higher education and employment.

Cambridge O Levels

  •  There are fewer grading levels in the Cambridge O Levels. Candidates are scored on a scale of A* to E, with A* being the highest grade and E being the lowest.
  • There are fewer course work possibilities available for IGCSE than there are for IGCSE.
  • In certain situations, the curricula have been revised or adjusted to better match the needs of the local community, including the inclusion of regional languages. When evaluating candidates’ reading and writing talents and skills, the O level is more important than the other levels.
  • There are fewer practical test alternatives available for science topics than there are for IGCSE.


In order to choose between IGCSE and Cambridge O level, it is necessary to understand the candidate’s objectives, the candidate’s ability in various courses, and the learning support (in the form of tuition and coaching) that is accessible to the candidate. The support that applicants require in order to make the best option and achieve success in these examinations will be provided by a tutoring service provider on that specializes in preparing students for success in these examinations.


المنشورات المشابهة

students using laptop together outdoors royalty free image

كيف تساعد الدروس الخصوصية الطلاب على تحقيق أهدافهم؟

Students’ academic personality is shaped in large part by private tuition.This is a particularly regular occurrence now that schooling is becoming exceedingly challenging.Students believe that the material and guidance provided in school is inadequate for them to thrive. As a result, many students choose online tuition, group tuition, or one-on-one home tuition for effective teaching.This guidance is in addition to what is taught in school. Students will feel more prepared for exams and more confident in their ability to pass entranceexams or secure a spot at a prestigious university in this manner. INTEREST While the adage “curiosity kills the cat” is frequently taught to youngsters in order to avoid unnecessary investigation

المكتبات الإلكترونية في ماليزيا

يجب أن يكون كل شيء في عالمنا الحديث اليوم سهلاً، بما في ذلك إجراء عملية شراء. عندما يمكنك حقًا الحصول على كل ما تحتاجه عبر الإنترنت من المنزل أو أينما كنت، فلا داعي بالتأكيد لقضاء ساعات وساعات في مكتبة حقيقية. هناك العديد من المواقع على الإنترنت. حيث يمكنك شراء الكتب من أي مكان في العالم.


لماذا يجب تطوير مهارات القراءة؟

القراءة تمكن الطلاب من كشف الغموض وإزالة المصطلحات التي قد تصعب ملاحظتها في أفكارهم. كما تمكن الأطفال من التعرف على أفراح ومآسي الناس من مختلف الثقافات الذين لم نلتق بهم قط. ولابد أن تصبح القراءة أكثر من مجرد موهبة للشباب؛ بل لابد أن تصبح


ما قبل الجامعة والجامعة


شكرًا لك على اتصالك بـ TigerCampus. سوف نتواصل معك خلال 1-2 أيام عمل.

مشاركتها مع العالم

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