دليل المهنة المستقبلية للصناعات الناشئة

Best Career Options

The internet has changed our lives. We couldn’t have envisaged an internet-centric life 20 years ago.

The Internet and its apps are everywhere. These new technologies have changed the way we live, care for our health, prevent and combat climate change.

The speed of change with new technology is astounding, and failing to keep up risks missing out.

The world in 20 years will help us choose employment and invest in companies that will keep us relevant.

14 anticipated growth industries have been recognised by economists and technologists.

Internet of Things (IOT) in the Industrial Sector

More and more physical “things” are being connected to the internet in order to collect and exchange data. Everything we use in the future will be accessible through the internet. To keep ahead of the competition, the industrial, construction, and service industries are always seeking new methods to incorporate Internet-based technology into their products.

Having strong network, data communication, and software skills will surely benefit you in the future.

الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI)

Machines can think like humans. AI will be vital in coming decades. Experts believe a robot’s consciousness can evolve over time.

Thus, companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon use AI daily. Scientists, psychologists, philosophers, legislators, and managers are all intrigued by AI.

Artificial intelligence is expected to create a wave of new jobs. A closer study reveals more about neural networks and human-machine interactions. Jobs in automated parking and home nursing have increased in recent years. Time to be inspired by AI’s immense potential and strength.

أمن المعلومات

We become increasingly reliant on computers as new technology supports in the expansion of marketplaces and enterprises. As a result, we are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Moreover, we often hear about hackers stealing government secrets, compromising bank accounts, and holding corporations hostage for ransom.

As a consequence, companies are ready to pay a premium for cyber security. They need the assistance of professionals to protect their data and resolve issues.

Thus, cyber security professionals are in great demand. Choose cyber security courses that include hands-on experience.

علم الجينوم

It is feasible to find genetic variants related with health, sickness, or treatment response using whole-species DNA sequencing. Because of heredity, the body can adapt to a changing environment and treat a variety of health issues. Several researchers believe that the sector will be worth $20 billion by 2022.

A degree in genetics may lead to positions in health care, research, and industry, as well as transferable skills.

المركبات الجوية بدون طيار (الطائرات بدون طيار)

Drones have revolutionised agriculture, surveying land, monitoring animals, and improving irrigation systems. You may use a remote control to operate an unmanned aircraft, which we call a “drone.”

Mechanical, aeronautical, software, or electrical engineering degrees are necessary. Since then, they’ve been employed more to scan tough terrain, collect data for disaster relief, and enforce border restrictions.


A robot can do jobs normally done by humans. Manufacturing uses robots to do basic, repetitive activities. They are also employed in potentially risky circumstances.

Robo-friends, assistants, and workers are becoming increasingly prevalent.

A highly specialised subject, robotics engineering is a growing industry. Robotics experts will be in high demand in the gaming and industrial sectors.

Virtual Reality Realism

This is a computer-generated environment with realistic-looking sights and objects, giving viewers a feeling of immersion. A Virtual Reality headset or helmet is used to see the world.

Virtual reality has a variety of applications in the military, driving simulation, video games, architecture, and worker safety training.

If you are thinking about pursuing a degree in information science or another related subject, it is highly recommended that you look into VR study options.

Technology and Nanotechnology

In nanotechnology, any chemical or structure that is required may be constructed from the ground up using an atom or a molecule as a building component. These materials have the potential to increase energy efficiency, lower pollution, and improve health.

There are several work opportunities in the field of nanotechnology, including medical, energy, and electronics. Therefore, the future of nanotechnology looks promising. As the job opportunities in nanotechnology range from product development to marketing.

Biotechnology, physics, or materials science and engineering are all viable options for a career.

Resources for Renewable Energy

Today’s society debates sustainability and regeneration. Firstly, fossil fuel use has harmed our world for nearly two centuries. Next, the rate of global warming is uncontrollably increasing. Lastly, the outcome is increased investment in solar, wind, and water energy research.

By the end of the century, renewable energy should meet all global electrical needs because The Internet of Things will simplify power supply network setup.

الاقتصاد التشاركي

As well as ride-sharing, deliveries, odd jobs, pet care, tutoring/coaching, and even meal-sharing, the sharing economy includes companies like Airbnb and Grab. It’s possible to receive or provide services with a smartphone. Renting office space, autos, and home goods are all possibilities. The sharing economy saves money and resources while having a lesser environmental impact.

التعلم عن بعد

In the future, e-learning will mostly replace traditional education. Corporate training courses delivered by experts from across the world are available to all departments.

Customers will choose for personalised e-learning as a result of VR, AI, and greater Internet use.

E-learning is one such sector. Anyone with the necessary abilities can do it. But, a bachelor’s degree is required, as are excellent communication, interpersonal, and computer skills. Moreover, additional qualifications may be required.

البيانات الكبيرة

This issue is about ways of analysing and extracting information from massive data sets that are too large or complex for typical procedures. This is due to the quality of data collected determines efficiency and decision-making ability.

Data scientists are in great demand in industries such as marketing, healthcare, and politics. It is necessary to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, social sciences, physical sciences, or statistics.

Printing in three dimensions

Individuals in this business may create their own replacement components or other items. Without the need for mass production, automakers can design and build cars from the ground up using this technology instead.

As a result of 3D printing, people may now manufacture products in their own homes at a lower cost than ever before. Besides, design, CAD, R&D, biological and scientific modelling, architectural and construction modelling, and business are some of the jobs available in 3D printing.

بلوكشين التكنولوجيا

The findings cannot be changed using this method. Secure transactions no longer require a third-party mediator (government, bank, etc.).

A single platform might perform all of these tasks. Irresistible potential Thanks to technical advances, the internet will soon be the future economy.

Blockchain professionals are in high demand. It is necessary to be familiar with blockchain technology as well as the law. A degree in computer science or information security may be beneficial in a blockchain career.


Technology has the ability to alter history. Above all, we can see in our lives have been made easier by modern technologies. Similarly, the use of these future industries will benefit the entire world. There are numerous new job opportunities!


المنشورات المشابهة

Poor Study Habits Opener

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How can students improve their study habits, study smarter, and remember more? What you think you will find is not what you will find. Most students have had the experience of studying for hours only to forget most of it the next day. Because they’ve spent so much time studying,

شعار تصنيف QS العالمي للجامعات

أفضل الجامعات والكليات في ماليزيا 2023

يوجد ما يقرب من نصف مليون ماليزي مسجلين في التعليم العالي في أكثر من 590 مؤسسة. قد يكون الاختيار من بين العديد من الكليات والمؤسسات أمرًا مرهقًا. دعنا نساعدك في الاطلاع على جميع أنواع الكليات والجامعات المتاحة لك ومساعدتك في تحديد أيها أفضل.


ما قبل الجامعة والجامعة


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