أفضل نصائح اختبار IELTS


If you don’t speak English and wish to study in English overseas, you’ll need to take the IELTS test.  We’ve created some IELTS exam tips and recommendations to help you prepare for the IELTS test and get your goal score.

Some ideas for Before IELTS test day

  • Understand your assets and obligations.
  • Work on your flaws so that they don’t affect your total score.
  • A slower reader should priorities the reading test above the hearing and speaking exams.

Study strategies

  • Prepare an IELTS study plan based on your abilities and constraints.
  • Go through the text
  • If possible, enrol in an IELTS preparation course. The courses include the IELTS curriculum as well as helpful ideas and techniques.
    Instead of completing IELTS preparation sessions, you might hire a certified private teacher.
  • Create a study plan with the help of an English teacher.
  • Keep practising till then
    Confidence is built via practise. Find a friend with whom you can practise speaking English. For the reading test, practise skimming English publications. To improve your listening skills, watch English-language movies and listen to English-language music every night.
  • Practice with timed intervals
    Examine yourself for the time interval, just like you would on exam day.  This will help you get used to take the reading, writing, and listening examinations in quick succession.  The more you practise in a limited amount of time, the better you will get.
  • Go to the IELTS website
    The official IELTS website is the best source of information.  You may get IELTS test advice, books, examinations, and videos on the website.
  • Confirm the test location
    Make sure you know where the IELTS test centre is and how to get there so you can arrive on time on testing day.

Tips for the IELTS Writing Exam

Don’t write in colloquial English.
In terms of total score, Task 2 is more crucial.
Keep your handwriting legible and sharp.

Tips for the IELTS Speaking Exam

Pretend to be listening before responding.
If you’re unsure, don’t react. If you have any questions, please ask the examiner to repeat or clarify them.
Do your best, with confidence.

Tips for the IELTS reading exam

Don’t spend time on queries you won’t be able to answer. Continue to the next question and return to it if time allows.
Then, for each text, highlight the keywords.

Tips for the IELTS listening exam

Listen to the questions in advance.
Check to see whether you can write dates accurately.
Raise your hand if you are having difficulty hearing the recordings.
Practice pronouncing numbers and words in both British and American accents.


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ما قبل الجامعة والجامعة


شكرًا لك على اتصالك بـ TigerCampus. سوف نتواصل معك خلال 1-2 أيام عمل.

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