Educational Tips & Resources
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Empowering Students To Develop An Academic Identity
Academic identity is fundamental to students’ performance and is based on how they see their own intelligence. Children are far more prone to disengage from

2022’s Top Parenting Trends
New and distinctive parenting practices are beginning to develop as the number of new parents rises. The top 12 parenting trends as of 2022 are

Relaxation Techniques for Exam Anxiety
Have you ever prepared for an exam so diligently that you walk into the testing room and lose all focus? You definitely felt anxious before

8 Common Myths About Tutoring
There are many misconceptions about tutoring. Whether it be that your student already excels in school, is too old for tutoring, or has a very

Effective Reading Skills
Academic success is significantly impacted by reading proficiency. The primary building blocks of education for kids are reading and literacy abilities. Without them, pupils may

Propelling Sustainability and Climate Action Adoption
The UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB) and the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), the country’s leading agency for the digital economy, have