Career building Tips #1 How to Write a Good Resume?


Resume writing recommendations published on the internet are typically subjective and ambiguous, and as a result, they may or may not be useful in the process of creating an impressive resume that will capture the attention of potential employers. After reviewing more than 125,000 resumes, an analyst named Austin Belcak published a paper in 2021 that was based on his findings. When it comes to resumes that result in a call back from an employer, he discovered several fascinating patterns and features to look for.


The following are the five main points:


# 1.An expert LinkedIn profile

Candidates with a LinkedIn profile have a 71% chance of getting an interview. So, if your LinkedIn page isn’t current or professional, hide it in your CV.

# 2.Use the correct Keywords

This is important when applying online because some businesses use keywords to filter out low-potential candidates. That is, if your resume does not contain the system’s keywords, it will be automatically rejected. Consider the word ‘marketing’ in a marketing role as an illustration of what the system may be looking for.

The average job description has 43 keywords, but candidates barely use half of them in their resumes. According to the research, the most common missing keywords are hard and soft talents connected to the job description. Notably, pressing the issue by include every keyword is not a good approach. You are not need to include all 43 keywords in your search. Include as many as you can without seeming robotic.

# 3. Incorporate measurable outcomes

According to Austin Belcak, measurable metrics boost resume results, but only 64% of candidates include them. Companies enjoy metrics because they make the concept of value more understandable and quantifiable.

Remember to incorporate a variety of metrics in your resume in order to stand out from the crowd. For example, increasing social media participation by 30% within a week of starting the job.

​4. Keep your resume between 475–600 words.

TalentWorks found that resumes with word counts between 475 and 600 lost considerable impact. Resumes with the recommended word count get twice as many interviews as those without.

For senior roles, a resume should be between 800-1000 words, but for entry-level positions, keep it between 475-600 words. A competitive edge is reported by 77% of candidates who have a word count within the acceptable range.

5.Avoid filler, clichés, and buzzwords

Many significant authorities agree that resumes with buzzwords and clichés are a turnoff. Recruiters encounter the same keywords and clichés dozens of times when going through resumes to identify a candidate. According to the findings of the survey, such words appear in 51% of the resumes.

This is a common error among first-time job applicants. It’s natural to want to promote yourself as appealing and worthwhile, but jargon and fluff just dilute your message and confuse your CV. On a resume, focus on your experience and accomplishments, not your personality or thought process.

Do some research on interview techniques to help you present yourself more effectively and prepare for a future interview. Do it! You’re capable! For your convenience, we have also included interview recommendations in our prior article for your contemplation.


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