Do Not Wait for Your Kid Report Cards! Let’s Discuss Your Child’s Grade Now.

progress reports now on parent portal report card

Do you wait till the end of the school year to find out how your child is doing? Unfortunately, this strategy might have a negative impact on a child’s academic performance. By the time you receive the report card, it may be too late to resolve any issues your child may be having at school.

The report card isn’t the only way to track your child’s academic progress, but it does generate a lot of anxiety. As a parent who was once a student, you understand that good grades lead to more opportunities in the future. What a strain!

Report cards can be stressful, adding to the anxiety. Curriculum changes and changes in teacher communication result in a convoluted piece of paper full of meaningless phrases.


Why? Parental participation improves student accomplishment! Parents can assist their children in developing a positive attitude toward education, increasing motivation, and encouraging self-discipline.

It also helps with:

  • To alleviate some of the stress and strain associated with schooling. Grades were formerly used to communicate performance, but they now serve as a constant reminder that grades matter.
  • To detect issue areas early on and prevent them from becoming something that jeopardises your child’s academic success.
  • To be an outspoken supporter of your child’s educational and developmental needs


Take care not to over-analyze your child’s performance. Always keep your expectations in check. Your child is still learning, regardless of the report card. That’s fantastic if they’re progressing well. Make a point of thanking them for their efforts. You can assist them in catching up if they are falling behind.

It is critical to talk to your child about their academic development, regardless of the outcome.


Talking with your child about their report card will help you understand their point of view. The teacher’s comments provide further information that should be addressed. Discussing school demonstrates concern for your child’s feelings and lives. Discuss whether you are pleased or disappointed with your child’s report card. You can help your child succeed if you are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. It also helps your child see you as a helpful and active participant in their education. Encourage frequent school chats with your child to help them develop a favorable attitude toward school. Talking about school with your child is also an excellent method to learn about their academic and personal issues.


Please do not be afraid to contact the teacher! Discovering the report card enables you to reply effectively and make any necessary changes. Because teachers and parents are on the same team, being hostile serves no one. Take into account that the teacher has between 20 and 30 parents to speak with. So take use of your time!


Achieving higher grades does not happen overnight. If you want to see long-term development, you must plan a comprehensive approach for improving grades or teaching strong academic habits. We understand your annoyance. It’s all too easy to lose your cool, criticize them, and then expect them to work more. A kinder approach may produce better results.


You know your child is capable of more, but they may need extra help feeling confident in their academic abilities. Tiger Campus is an excellent resource for learning about education and sharing information about one’s academic experience. We can assist students in a variety of curriculums in math, science, and all in between! Explore the benefits of one-on-one or group tutoring by consulting with a tutoring consultant to schedule a free trial class.


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