Edexcel A-Level Persian

Master Edexcel A-Level Persian with Expert Tutors and Tailored Lessons

Our tutors graduated from top universities


Customized curriculum

We'll find a tutor who can make sure you're prepared for the subject through customizable lessons catered to fit your needs.


Take lessons only when you need them—as little or as many as necessary until you feel confident.

Private lesson

No need to accommodate other students. Learning is customised your perfect pace and difficulty so you are always improving.

About Edexcel A-Level Persian

Edexcel A-Level Persian offers students an in-depth exploration of the Persian language, literature, and culture. This course enhances linguistic skills, enabling students to communicate fluently and accurately. It covers a wide range of topics, from contemporary issues to historical texts, providing a comprehensive understanding of Persian-speaking communities. Students engage with authentic materials, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. The qualification is highly regarded by universities and employers, opening doors to further education and career opportunities. By mastering Persian, students gain a unique perspective on global cultures, enriching their academic and personal growth.


Unlock your potential with Edexcel A-Level Persian at TigerCampus! Our comprehensive program is designed to enhance your language skills, cultural understanding, and critical thinking. Dive deep into Persian literature, history, and contemporary issues, guided by experienced instructors. With personalized support and interactive lessons, you’ll master complex grammar, expand your vocabulary, and develop fluency. Whether you’re aiming for academic excellence or a deeper connection to Persian culture, our course equips you with the tools to succeed. Join us at TigerCampus and embark on a transformative learning journey that opens doors to global opportunities and enriches your academic portfolio.

What will you learn

Students studying Edexcel A-Level Persian will develop advanced language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They will explore Persian literature, culture, and history, gaining insights into contemporary and classical texts. The course enhances grammatical understanding and vocabulary, enabling students to communicate fluently and accurately. Critical thinking and analytical skills are honed through the study of diverse media, such as poetry, prose, and film. Additionally, students will learn to discuss and debate various topics, preparing them for higher education or careers requiring proficiency in Persian. The course fosters a deep appreciation of Persian-speaking cultures and their global significance.


Studying Edexcel A-Level Persian requires a foundational understanding of the Persian language, including grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. Students should be familiar with Persian literature, culture, and history, as these are integral components of the curriculum. Proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Persian is essential. Prior exposure to Persian through lower-level courses or self-study can be beneficial. The course also demands critical thinking and analytical skills to interpret texts and articulate responses effectively. Commitment to regular practice and engagement with native speakers or authentic Persian media can enhance learning and performance in this subject.

Topics in Edexcel A-Level Persian

Persian literature, grammar, vocabulary, translation skills, cultural context, historical texts, contemporary texts, listening comprehension, speaking proficiency, essay writing, critical analysis, literary themes, linguistic structures, idiomatic expressions, exam techniques.

About TigerCampus Malaysia

TigerCampus Malaysia offers personalized online tutoring for students of all ages, providing expert guidance in subjects like math, science, and languages. With qualified tutors, flexible scheduling, and comprehensive learning materials, TigerCampus Malaysia ensures academic success and skill development through tailored education solutions designed to meet each student’s unique needs.

How it works


Request a tutor

Let us know your goals and age range. We'll figure out a plan to help get you there.


Match with a tutor

We'll recommend you a tutor based on your needs and goals, or you can request a specific tutor.


Start a free trial

Experience a free trial lesson with your new tutor and see if your learning style matches.


Keep it up!

If everything went well, sign up to keep going! You can choose the pacing of the lessons

Looking for other subjects?

Edexcel A-Level Arabic, Edexcel A-Level Urdu, Edexcel A-Level Turkish, Edexcel A-Level Bengali, Edexcel A-Level Hindi.


No hidden fees. Cancel any time.
Get a free trial to find your perfect tutor before you commit.


RM 70-100 Per Hour
  • Get tuition from the best tutors in Malaysia
  • Personalized lesson plans
  • Paid Zoom account with video recordings
  • Lesson reports after each lesson
  • SMS & email appointment reminders
  • Dedicated customer support
  • No monthly commitment
  • 24 hour free cancellation


RM 210-280 Per Hour
  • International tutors from USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and more.
  • Personalized lesson plans
  • Paid Zoom account with video recordings
  • Lesson reports after every lesson
  • SMS & email appointment reminders
  • Dedicated customer support
  • No monthly commitment
  • 24 hour free cancellation
Best Quality


Yes, the trial is completely free with no contracts or obligations in Malaysia.


Simply contact the TigerCampus Malaysia team to arrange your future lessons after the trial.


Payments to TigerCampus Malaysia can be made via bank transfer, credit card, or PayPal.

All classes at TigerCampus Malaysia require prepayment before the scheduled sessions.

Notify us at least 24-48 hours in advance to cancel your class without any charges.

Yes, just inform TigerCampus Malaysia of your intended break, and we’ll adjust your schedule accordingly.

Yes, TigerCampus Malaysia tutors will provide comprehensive learning materials to support your studies.

TigerCampus Malaysia primarily uses Zoom for all online tutoring sessions.

Lesson reports are regularly provided by your TigerCampus Malaysia tutor to help you monitor your progress.

Yes, TigerCampus Malaysia allows you to choose from our pool of qualified tutors based on your preferences and subject requirements.

TigerCampus Malaysia offers a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, languages, and more. Visit our website for the full list of subjects.

Yes, TigerCampus Malaysia tutors are available for limited support outside of class hours, such as answering questions or providing additional resources.


Thank you For Contacting TigerCampus. We will reach out to you in 1-2 business days.

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