10 Keuntungan Belajar di Liburan Musim Panas

Can summer learning be as enjoyable for youngsters as a break from school?

Likewise, these 10 benefits of summer learning show that every student should make summer learning a big part of their summer plans.

Summer vacation is one of the most anticipated times of the year for children. In the absence of nightly assignments and early-morning commutes, it feels like a dream come true. The problem is that students get bored with nothing to do over the summer break, and even computer games may become monotonous and uninspiring after a while.

Prevent Summer Learning Loss

However, the truth is that all students lose some knowledge over the summer.

This is what experts call “the summer slide.” This loss of learning happens when students don’t keep up their academic and mental progress over the summer. What we know is:

Summer Learning Loss ||  The Facts

  • When school is out for the summer, students lose the equivalent of one month of learning.
  • During the summer, students can lose up to 2.6 months of math skills.
  • About two months’ worth of reading skills are lost.
  • Loss of knowledge over the summer can be seen as early as Grade 1.
  • In the fall, teachers spent up to six weeks going over old lessons to make up for what students forgot over the summer.
  • The good news is that the summer brain drain can be stopped completely.
  • Fun and interesting summer learning programs help students do well all summer long, no matter what grade your child is in.
  • Plus, check out these great reasons why your child should learn over the summer.

#1 |||  Brush Up on Essential Skills

This school year, was there one subject that was harder than the rest? Summer is a great time to review those key ideas and work on the skills you need to turn a hard subject into an A+ subject.

#2 |||  Acquire New Knowledge and Skills

The summer is a great time to learn something new. Students in high school could take a course they didn’t have time for before. Students in elementary school could improve their reading skills by reading novels, improve their handwriting by learning cursive, or improve their writing skills by keeping a daily journal.

#3 ||| Maintain Math Skills

Math skills are the ones that drop the most over the summer, according to research on summer learning. Students lose about 2.6 months of math knowledge on average over the summer. When school starts again in the fall, students will be behind if they have forgotten these math skills. With regular practice and skill development, summer learning programs help students beat these odds.

#4 ||| Excel in Reading


Strong reading skills are a must because they are the key to understanding all school subjects. Reading skills are a big predictor of success. The more students read, the better readers they become. Summer is a great time to take part in programs that make reading skills stronger and boost confidence in reading, so that reading skills don’t get worse over the summer.


#5 |||  Stay inspired

Not only do students forget what they learned over the summer, but their motivation to learn can also drop. Motivation is like a muscle: you have to use it to keep it strong. By setting a reading or writing goal for the summer and working toward it, students of all ages learn that hard work pays off. This is very motivating!

#6 ||| Receive Individualized Attention

During the regular school year, teachers don’t get to spend much one-on-one time with students in a regular classroom. Many students can’t get the individual attention they need because there are too many students in each class and not enough time in each class. Many students learn better and are more motivated to learn when they can talk directly with their teachers. Summer learning gives a lot of kids the chance to get the one-on-one help they need to get past learning blocks.


#7 ||| Don’t be bored

Even in the summer, it’s important to stick to a routine. Routines give students a sense of structure, keep them interested, and help them learn to be self-disciplined. For a lot of students, school gives them both a regular schedule and social connections that they miss during the summer. Summer learning programs are a good way for students of all ages to stay in touch with each other. Knowing that there is something to do at the same time every week keeps kids of all ages not only connected to their learning, but also to structured social interactions that can help them fight boredom.


#8 ||| Develop Confidence

The ability to create and maintain self-confidence is something that may be learned. They become more confident in trying new things if they have a way to monitor their own progress in the development of their talents. Summer programs give kids the time they need to not only get better at things, but also feel better about themselves.


#9 ||| Get a Head Start

Summer learning programs give students of all ages and grades a chance to get ahead in reading, math, or writing. Summer programs can help students who are really interested in a certain subject go to the next level in their skill development.

#10 ||| Enjoyable and Modular

Summer learning doesn’t mean staying inside while the sun is out. Students can learn wherever they are thanks to online and virtual programs. The Virtual program from Tiger Campus is a fun and flexible way to learn. We have academic, coding, or programming students take a tutor with them.




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