Tingkatkan Belajar dan Mengingat Anda!

Pembuka Kebiasaan Belajar yang Buruk

How can students improve their study habits, study smarter, and remember more? What you think you will find is not what you will find. Most students have had the experience of studying for hours only to forget most of it the next day. Because they’ve spent so much time studying, how can they not remember anything? There must be a way to maximise study time so students spend less time studying and more time remembering.


Developing excellent study habits is one of the most effective ways to combat what is known as the ‘forgetting curve,’ which is a gradual loss of memory over time. A week of study skills such as problem solving, paraphrasing, and active learning can help students avoid last-minute cramming.

With the right study habits, you can master important study skills to retain information. So, how can students avoid forgetting crucial information before a test?



After an hour, you can only recall 44% of what you read. Use spaced repetition to help you remember information. Spaced repetition involves reviewing material at regular intervals to improve memory.

Inilah cara melakukannya:
After each class, jot down any questions. Make flashcards and review them several days before exams and tests.

A 2009 University of California study found that spacing out learning is more effective than cramming for 90% of students.


Teaching study facts to others is a great way to remember them! The protégé effect involves preparing to teach information to others to help you remember it. Aiming for active reiteration increases metacognitive processing and learning awareness. This can also boost student confidence!


More people are taking notes on laptops and tablets. A 2019 study found that reading on paper is still superior for comprehension and retention. Reading on paper can improve spatial awareness, recall, and focus. Laptops have internet access, which is great for multitasking but can be distracting when learning.


Group discussions allow students to actively process class material. Students can ask other students questions about topics, questions, or details. Group discussions have been shown to increase student engagement and retention. If a group discussion in person is not possible, students can use online forums or conferencing services.

Switch to a notebook next class and use these study tips to improve long-term memory retention. The next exam will be more confident and comfortable!

Kampus Harimau can help any student who needs extra help thinking about taking the academic step.

Studying should be exciting! Tiger Campus is committed to easing teen anxiety about their future.


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