Uang Kuliah Biologi

Prepare for success in IGCSE, A-Level, IB, SPM, and STPM Biology exams with TigerCampus Malaysia’s private Biology Tuition service.

Uang Kuliah Biologi

Guru dan tutor kami lulus dari universitas ternama


TigerCampus Malaysia is one of the premium online Biology Tuition Centres in the country. We have at-home and online Biology Tutors. TigerCampus tutors are able to provide quality home and online Biology Tuition to prepare you to take any biology exam. From the secondary level up until university, we provide tuition for any Biology Tuition you find necessary. Enroll yourself in Biology Tuition Now!

Check out our available syllabuses below and request a free trial today!

Apa yang Anda akan belajar


Our available biology tuition syllabuses

Bentuk 4
  1. Introduction to Biology and Laboratory Rules
  2. Cell Biology & Organisation
  3. Movement of Substances across a Plasma Membrane
  4. Chemical Compositions in a Cell
  5. Metabolism and Enzymes
  6. Pembelahan sel
  7. Respirasi Seluler
  8. Respiratory Systems in Humans and Animals
  9. Nutrition and the Human Digestive System
  10. Transport in Humans and Animals
  11. Immunity in Humans
  12. Coordination and Response in Humans
  13. Homeostasis and the Human Urinary System
  14. Support and Movement in Humans and Animals
  15. Sexual Reproduction, Development and Growth in Humans and Animals
Bentuk 5
  1. Organisation of Plat Tissues and Growth
  2. Leaf Structure and Function
  3. Nutrition in Plants
  4. Transportasi pada Tumbuhan
  5. Response in Plants
  6. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  7. Adaptations of Plants in Different Habitats
  8. Keanekaragaman
  9. Ekosistem
  10. Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup
  11. Warisan
  12. Variasi
First term: Biological Molecules and Metabolism
  1. Biological Molecules
  2. Structure of Cells and Organelles
  3. Membrane Structure and Transport
  4. Enzim
  5. Respirasi Seluler
  6. Fotosintesis


Second term: Physiology
  1. Pertukaran gas
  2. Transport in Animals and Plants
  3. Kontrol dan Regulasi
  4. Reproduction, Development & Growth
  5. Homeostatis
  6. Imunitas
  7. Penyakit menular
Third term: Ecology & Genetics
  1. Taxonomy & Biodiversity
  2. Ekologi
  3. Selection and Speciation
  4. Inheritance and Genetic Control
  5. Gene technology
  6. Bioteknologi
Topik utama
  1. Characteristics and classification of living organisms
  2. Organisation of the organism
  3. Movement in and out of cells
  4. Molekul biologis
  5. Enzim
  6. Nutrisi tanaman
  7. Nutrisi manusia
  8. Transport in plants
  9. Transport in animals
  10. Diseases and immunity
  11. Gas exchange in humans
  12. Pernafasan
  13. Excretion in humans
  14. Coordination and response
  15. Obat-obatan
  16. Reproduksi
  17. Warisan
  18. Variation and selection
  19. Organisms and their environment
  20. Biotechnology and genetic engineering
  21. Human influences on ecosystems
AS Level Biology
  1. Struktur sel
  2. Molekul biologis
  3. Enzim
  4. Cell membranes and transport
  5. The mitotic cell cycle
  6. Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
  7. Transport in plants
  8. Transport in mammals
  9. Pertukaran gas
  10. Penyakit Infeksi
  11. Imunitas
A2 Level Biology
  1. Energy and respiration
  2. Fotosintesis
  3. Homeostatis
  4. Control and coordination
  5. Warisan
  6. Selection and evolution
  7. Classification, biodiversity and conservation
  8. Genetic technology
Core (SL & HL)
  1. Biologi Sel
  2. Biologi molekuler
  3. Genetika
  4. Ekologi
  5. Evolution & Biodiversity
  6. Manusia Fisiologi
Higher Level (HL)
  1. Asam nukleat
  2. Metabolism, Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis
  3. tanaman Biologi
  4. Genetika dan Evolusi 
  5. Fisiologi Hewan

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Mulai uji coba gratis

Nikmati pelajaran uji coba gratis dengan tutor baru Anda dan lihat apakah gaya belajar Anda cocok.


Keep it up!

Jika semuanya berjalan lancar, daftarlah untuk melanjutkan! Anda dapat memilih kecepatan pelajaran

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