Jadilah yang terdepan.
Tackle any Science question you have and gain the skills to ace the Science Exams with TigerCampus Malaysia’s private Science Tuition Service.
Guru dan tutor kami lulus dari universitas ternama
Kurikulum yang disesuaikan
Pilih satu atau lebih mata pelajaran, dan kami akan menemukan tutor yang dapat memastikan Anda siap.
Ambillah pelajaran hanya ketika Anda membutuhkannya—sesedikit atau sebanyak yang diperlukan sampai Anda merasa percaya diri.
Pelajaran privat
Tidak perlu mengakomodasi siswa lain. Pembelajaran disesuaikan dengan kecepatan dan tingkat kesulitan Anda sehingga Anda selalu berkembang.
Science Tuition Education in Malaysia
Science Tuition Education in Malaysia is a vital part of the country’s education system. It provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Join Online Chemistry Tuition Today!
Science Tuition Education in Malaysia is based on the National Curriculum for Primary Schools, which was implemented in 2012. The curriculum focuses on five main areas: physical sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, mathematics, and technology. Get Chemistry Online Tuition Now!
The National Curriculum for Primary Schools also includes an integrated science program called the “Science Enrichment Programme,” which helps students learn how to apply scientific knowledge to real-life situations. This program starts with Grade 1 and continues through Grade 6.
TigerCampus Malaysia is one of the premium online Science Pusat Bimbingan Belajar in the country. We have at-home and online Science Tutors. TigerCampus tutors are able to provide quality Home Science Tuition and Tutor Online to prepare you to take any science exam. From the primary level up until university, we provide tuition for any Science Tuition you find necessary.
Check out our available syllabuses below and request a free trial today for Chemistry Tuition!
Apa yang Anda akan belajar
- Understanding the concepts for a better understanding
- Mengembangkan strategi untuk menangani soal ujian
- Developing math skills to help with experiments and problem solving
- You'll receive tutoring from the best sceinces tutors and scorers in Malaysia
- Pelajari strategi mereka tentang bagaimana mereka berhasil mendapatkan nilai dan lulus ujian
- Online lessons with video recordings and learning reports available
Our available Science Tuition syllabuses
Topik utama
Basic needs of Human, Animals and Plants
- Animal Life Process
- Animals and Plants Self-defense Mechanism
- Massa
- Science Process Skill and Answering Techniques
- Properti Bahan
- Tata surya
- Teknologi
- Mikroorganisme
- Survival of Animal Species
- Sumber energi
- Karakteristik Cahaya
- Pengeluaran
- Acid and Alkali
- Konstelasi
- Earth, Moon and the Sun
- Kekuatan dan Stabilitas
- kekuatan
- Pengawet Makanan
- Pengelolaan Limbah
- Gerhana
- Simple and complicated Machines
- Breathing organs of Animals and Human
- Respons Tanaman
- Sistem pengukuran
- Measurement of Mass and Time
- Electrical energy, Temperature and Heat
- Chemical Properties of Food and Food
- Interaction Between Living Things
Bentuk 1
- Introduction to Scientific Investigation
- Cell as the Basic Unit of Life
- Coordination and Response
- Reproduksi
- hal
- Tabel Periodik
- Udara
- Light and Optics
- Bumi
- Dan lain-lain
Bentuk 2
- Keanekaragaman
- Ekosistem
- makanan
- Kesehatan manusia
- Water and Solution
- Acid and Alkalis
- Listrik dan Magnetisme
- Gaya dan Gerak
- Panas
- Gelombang Suara
- Stars and Galaxies in the Universe
- Tata surya
- Meteoroid, Asteroid, Comet
- Dan lain-lain
Bentuk 3
- Stimuli and Responses
- Pernafasan
- Transportasi
- Reactivity of Metals
- Kimia panas
- Electricity and Magnetism II
- Energi dan Daya
- Radioaktivitas
- Cuaca luar angkasa
- Eksplorasi Luar Angkasa
- Dan lain-lain
Bentuk 4
- Safety Measures in the Laboratory
- Bantuan Darurat
- Techniques of Measuring the Parameters of Body Health
- Green Technology for Environmental Sustainability
- Genetika
- Support, Movement and Growth
- Body Coordination
- Elements and Substances
- Chemicals in Industry
- Chemicals in Medicine and Health
- Gaya dan Gerak
- Energi nuklir
- Dan lagi
Bentuk 5
- Mikroorganisme
- Nutrition and Food Technology
- Keberlanjutan Lingkungan Hidup
- Tingkat Reaksi
- Senyawa Karbon
- Elektrokimia
- Light and Optics
- Kekuatan dan Tekanan
- Teknologi Luar Angkasa
- Dan lain-lain
- Ciri-ciri makhluk hidup
- Sel
- Molekul biologis
- Enzim
- Nutrisi tanaman
- Nutrisi hewani
- angkutan
- Gas exchange and respiration
- Koordinasi dan respon
- Reproduksi
- Organisme dan lingkungannya
- Pengaruh manusia terhadap ekosistem
- Sifat partikulat materi
- Teknik eksperimental
- Atoms, elements and compounds
- Stoikiometri
- Electricity and chemistry
- Energy changes in chemical reactions
- Reaksi kimia
- Acids, bases and salts
- Tabel Berkala
- Logam
- Air and water
- Kimia organik
- Gerakan
- Work, energy and power
- Fisika termal
- Properties of waves, including light and sound
- Electrical quantities
- sirkuit listrik
- Ciri-ciri makhluk hidup
- Sel
- Molekul biologis
- Enzim
- Nutrisi tanaman
- Nutrisi hewani
- angkutan
- Gas exchange and respiration
- Koordinasi dan respon
- Reproduksi
- Warisan
- Organisme dan lingkungannya
- Pengaruh manusia terhadap ekosistem
- Sifat partikulat materi
- Teknik eksperimental
- Atoms, elements and compounds
- Stoikiometri
- Electricity and chemistry
- Energy changes in chemical reactions
- Reaksi kimia
- Acids, bases and salts
- Tabel Berkala
- Logam
- Air and water
- Belerang
- Karbonat
- Kimia organik
- Gerakan
- Work, energy and power
- Fisika termal
- Properties of waves, including light and sound
- Listrik dan magnet
- sirkuit listrik
- Electromagnetic effects
- Fisika atom
- Ciri-ciri makhluk hidup
- Sel
- Molekul biologis
- Enzim
- Nutrisi tanaman
- Nutrisi hewani
- angkutan
- Gas exchange and respiration
- Koordinasi dan respon
- Reproduksi
- Warisan
- Organisme dan lingkungannya
- Pengaruh manusia terhadap ekosistem
- Sifat partikulat materi
- Teknik eksperimental
- Atoms, elements and compounds
- Stoikiometri
- Electricity and chemistry
- Energy changes in chemical reactions
- Reaksi kimia
- Acids, bases and salts
- Tabel Berkala
- Logam
- Air and water
- Belerang
- Karbonat
- Kimia organik
- Gerakan
- Work, energy and power
- Fisika termal
- Properties of waves, including light and sound
- Listrik dan magnet
- sirkuit listrik
- Electromagnetic effects
- Fisika atom
- Biologi
- Ilmu Komputer
- Kimia
- Teknologi Desain
- Fisika
- Sports, Exercise and Health Science
- Ilmu lingkungan Hidup
- Biologi
- Ilmu Pengetahuan Fisika
- Ilmu olahraga
- Ilmu Kesehatan
- Ilmu Bumi
Cara kerjanya
Minta tutor
Beri tahu kami tujuan dan rentang usia Anda. Kami akan memikirkan rencana untuk membantu Anda sampai di sana.
Cocokkan dengan tutor
Kami akan merekomendasikan Anda seorang tutor berdasarkan kebutuhan dan tujuan Anda, atau Anda dapat meminta tutor tertentu.
Mulai uji coba gratis
Nikmati pelajaran uji coba gratis dengan tutor baru Anda dan lihat apakah gaya belajar Anda cocok.
Keep it up!
Jika semuanya berjalan lancar, daftarlah untuk melanjutkan! Anda dapat memilih kecepatan pelajaran
Perlu info lebih lanjut?
Mari kita bicara.
Tinggalkan nomor telepon Anda, dan kami akan menghubungi Anda kembali untuk mendiskusikan bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda.