Pengasuh Harian vs. Pembantu Rumah Tangga: Mana yang Terbaik untuk Keluarga Anda?

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When it comes to hiring domestic help, there are now a few options. Some families prefer to have a stay-in maid, while others enjoy having a daily nanny. These days work from home parents even have the privilege of hiring on-demand nanny, catering to only the times they need help with their children, and rely on scheduled cleaner to assist with household chores. With all these options, how do you know what’s best for you?

Stay-in maid

As the term suggests, a stay-in maid is someone who lives with you and your family in your house on a full-time basis. When hiring a stay-in maid, you are expected to be able to provide some sort of living accommodation for them – their own bedroom and bathroom.

Roles and responsibilities of a stay-in maid

When hiring a stay-in maid, it is extremely important to agree and set out the roles and responsibilities in their contract prior to employment.

Main roles and responsibilities include:

  • Keeping bedrooms tidy
  • Memandikan dan mendandani anak-anak
  • Maintaining play areas – cleaning and tidying away toys
  • Preparing and cooking meals for the family
  • Maintaining the general tidiness of the home
  • Housekeeping such as leaning, vacuuming, dusting, tidying, laundry and ironing

Pros and cons of a stay-in maid


  • They are effective at performing household chores
  • Enjoy a consistently clean home
  • No more painstaking chores


  • They are usually foreign domestic workers
  • You have to provide an extra room/accommodation
  • Employer-helper disputes
  • Lack proper training in handling children
  • Does not help with children’s homework
  • No proper background check
  • Kurang privasi
  • Increase in grocery and utility bills

Daily Nanny

A daily nanny, also known as a babysitter is either employed on a part-time or full-time basis. The main difference to a stay-in maid, is that a daily nanny’s sole responsibility is to care for the child, and ensure their safety and wellbeing while the parents are away. They are not a maid or a helper, and will not do domestic chores.

Roles and responsibilities of a daily nanny

A daily nanny can be in sole charge of your children and perform nursery duties – engage children with fun games and enrichment activities.

Main roles and responsibilities include:

  • Accompanying and keeping children safe
  • Bathing, feeding and ensuring the cleanliness of the play areas
  • Organizing children’s clothes and belongings
  • Providing constant updates to parents
  • Membantu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah
  • Keeping children entertained with enriching activities

Pros and cons of a daily nanny

  • Suitable for children in early childhood; 0-5 year old
  • They are mostly locals
  • A professional and friendly relationship can be maintained
  • You don’t have to worry about accommodation
  • Different types — nanny takes care of children and do light house chores; babysitter’s priority is to care for the children
  • Platforms like Kiddocare ensure they are properly trained to manage children, from their physical, emotional and developmental needs as well as trained in CPR & First Aid.


  • Some do not do light house chores while some do; so, parents will need to check prior to engaging them
  • Travel time and possible delay

Both childcare options are good and will benefit you and your family in different ways and for different needs. However, what’s important is to find what is more beneficial for your children and your family. And while having a stay-in maid is good to have that extra help with house chores, having a daily nanny can benefit your children more as they are not only trained in childcare, CPR & First Aid but they will also help to promote healthy child development and education for your children.

Kiddocare can help you find the perfect childcare solution for you. We are an online platform where you will be paired with reliable and trusted babysitters to tend to your children anytime and anywhere.

Our babysitters are:

  • Malaysian women and Malaysian Permanent Resident (PR)
  • Background checked and security vetted
  • Trained in basic childcare to provide quality care and ensure children’s safety and promote child development
  • Trained in CPR & First Aid to equip them with appropriate skills to manage emergency situations


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