Pembelajaran Liburan bagi Pelajar Malaysia

Program Liburan Sekolah Musim Panas

School and workplace holidays are also common around this time of year, allowing youngsters and their families to spend quality time together. However, lengthy periods without active learning increase the risk of student learning loss.

If children lose momentum during the holiday vacation, they may struggle when school resumes in January.

We understand that many students don’t want to perform schoolwork over the holidays. But keep in mind that learning isn’t always about schooling. The Christmas break is the best time for your child to explore their hobbies and gain independence in their study! So, self-directed learning is a fantastic approach to increase classroom and outside motivation.

Here with share with you the 10 tips to go from us:


Kids love hands-on activities, and science is the perfect subject to demonstrate the scientific method. You can learn how to do the following experiments by searching Google. Don’t be scared to get filthy to learn!


Baking is a favourite Christmas pastime, so get the kids involved! Measuring, quantities, and fractions help kids learn math’s everyday applications. They’ll learn more if you show them how it’s used! Do check it out on how to solve math problem tips.


Purchase a holiday tale to read with your family! Bacaan is a skill that can be practised over the summer. Books let kids relax and connect with their imaginations! It’s also a great method to expand your vocabulary and learn new words.


No festive season without legendary jingles! Thankfully, we have access to many artists’ interpretations of the tunes. Create an impromptu music lesson by mixing old and new festive songs. Make it fun by having the learner guess the vocalist!


Make a family history A Christmas tree is a great way to merge history and art!

Holiday traditions allow pupils to learn about their ancestors. Encourage your child to research where and how previous generations spent their holidays!

# Tip 6: KEEP Curiosity HIDUP

The best aspect is that there are many of educational websites to choose from!


Fun for the whole family and a fantastic way to unplug! Strategy, analysis, and planning skills can be developed through board games. Games can be used to teach a variety of subjects. Playing Monopoly, for example, can teach your child about money and purchases!


Holidays don’t mean abandoning your everyday routine. Maintaining a daily schedule will help your youngster adjust to school in January. Routines reduce the unexpected, and predictable youngsters perform better at school and at home. It gives them a sense of control over their everyday tasks. Taking command of their day makes kids feel productive and confident!


Handwriting skills are dwindling in an electronic keyboard environment. Encourage writing practise by writing to Santa, sending holiday cards to the Canadian Forces and long-term care facilities, or keeping a journal!

Writing provides several health benefits for children, from stress alleviation to mental clarity. The Christmas break is ideal for perfecting the habit.

# Tip 10 : STAY ACTIVE!

Enjoy the Christmas weather with a family hike! Observe the temperature and precipitation with your child before you go. Get outside and move! Play snowballs, create a snow fort, or sled down a giant slope!


Learning enrichment during the holidays will save time and make the rest of the school year 2022 a bit simpler! More educational ideas di sini.

Kami di Kampus Harimau wish you a happy and safe holiday season!


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