Bagaimana Anda Membantu Anak Anda Menemukan Minat Kariernya?

lima cara membangun karier yang menguntungkan

While education should be about gaining knowledge and eradicating misconceptions, it has become equated to a career that students pursue mindlessly.

Every action must have meaning, and parents must teach this to their children. A student’s career path should pay enough to live a balanced life, but it doesn’t stop there. A career should be meaningful and something they are passionate about, otherwise it will negatively impact their mental and physical health.

So, how can parents help their kids find their passion? Here are a few!

#1 Discuss the Issues

Parents should talk to their kids and find out what interests them. Children may not have given it much thought because they believe they have many years before graduation.

Parents should observe their children’s thinking, talk to them about the various career options available, and encourage tutors to do the same.

# 2 Check Out All the Different Options

The obvious isn’t always obvious; we have to look for it. Exploring what’s current and what may be obsolete in a few years is critical. Keeping up with the times is critical nowadays, as rapid globalisation renders many career options obsolete due to artificial intelligence.

Because companies are moving towards more sustainable and cost-effective business practises, machines are replacing people, and students must aim for jobs that machines won’t be able to replace in the next 5 years.

# 3 Web based Tests

Aside from education, a person’s personality influences their career choices. Not everyone is cut out to be a teacher. A tutor or school teacher must be passionate about sharing knowledge, constantly learning and updating, and patient with students.

Like online personality tests, there are online career interest assessments (for example, careeronestop). This may give a rough idea of what career path can be taken.

# 4 Internships

Being a student is not like surviving in the corporate world. Students should apply for internships and work in companies to gain experience. This insight into the workplace will help students make better decisions in the future.

Some jobs may seem simpler than others, but they may be much more difficult than we think!

# 5 Inquire about their knowledge from the experts

We all have relatives, friends, tutors, and well-wishers who are willing to guide, advise, and share their perspectives on matters they are aware of.

If you ask a doctor in your family whether medicine is the right path for your child, they will tell you the benefits and drawbacks of medicine, what to expect and what your child may have to give up.

Asking the experts in the field will help you understand and guide your child better!



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