Bagaimana Mendapatkan Nilai Lebih Tinggi dalam Ujian Cambridge?


The IGCSE syllabus has been developed in response to the demands of the rapidly changing socio-economic world in which we live today.

From the IGCSE syllabus, students can choose between a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 topics, or even more.

When faced with a test, every student feels apprehensive. This is a bad mood that can have a detrimental impact on your ability to perform.

Here are some pointers on how to get a head start on your preparations.


# 1 >> Know how the exam works:

  • It’s not to see how much you know.
  • The goal is to assess your ability to apply your knowledge to the questions.
  • In order to improve your grades, you must give correct and concise replies.

# 2>> Not everyone is perfect:

  • Do not try to learn “lots of things” at the expense of comprehension.
  • You will have knowledge gaps. Presenting what you know correctly earns you points.

# 3>>Be direct:

  • Practise answering problems in 10 or fewer points
  • Verify that all pertinent details are covered. If so, you can continue answering.

# 4>> Ask questions:

  • Learn to read questions carefully to grasp the information requested in the answer.
  • Each question has a theme. See whether they get the questions. Ask your teachers for help.

# 5 >> Study in a method that suits you:

  • All grade-boosting advice is meant for a general readership.
  • Try these tips, but don’t be frustrated if any don’t work. Try another way to maximise your learning and results.

# 6 >> If you have friends who are studying for the exam, tell them the following:

  • Create topic-based quizzes for each other to test their knowledge. Creating quizzes will assist you in internalising information.
  • Evaluating the responses will assist you in recognising where you might be going wrong and how to prevent making those mistakes.

# 7 >> Continue to put in the effort:

  • Set aside a specific amount of time each day to do practise examinations and answer previous exam questions. When you practise, the more confident you will get, and this is another strength you will bring to the exam table.

# 8 >> Stimulate your mental activity:

  • Make certain that you get adequate exercise and sleep each day. This will help you to concentrate and concentrate better.
  • If your mind is fatigued and unfocused, you will not be able to retain the information you have learned.

# 9 >> Begin preparations as far in advance as possible:

  • As you get more experience and knowledge, you will be able to relax and better prepare for exams and comprehend what you need to do in order to achieve good scores.
  • When you understand what is expected of you, it is much easier to perform to those standards.

# 10 >>You will not be able to do it on your own:

In terms of worldwide standards, Cambridge tests are among the best available. Even if you have the best teachers and put in the most effort on your own, getting the expert assistance you need to achieve is critical.

Enrolling in a tailored live interactive online programme for IGCSE can assist you in achieving achievement.

Why should you enroll in an IGCSE live interactive online programme?

Kampus Harimau adalah pionir dalam hal ini Cambridge Curriculum.

Students can attend Tiger Campus classes from anywhere. In addition to Malaysia, our worldwide student community includes students from the USA, UK, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Dubai, and many more. Students from all over the world connect to benefit from our student-centered approach.



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