IGCSE: Apa saja pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan?

Sampul IGCSE

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum provides a variety of courses for students to choose from based on their individual strengths and weaknesses. The curriculum is adaptable, allowing students to delve deeper within themselves than simply reading textbooks and passing exams.

As a result, many tutors (one-on-one and group tutoring) advise students to hunt up facts they are unfamiliar with. Students must be knowledgeable about the path they choose in order to be effectively prepared.

Because many people do not grasp IGSCE, here are some common questions from parents and students!

#1. IGCSE Cambridge Syllabus

The Cambridge IGCSE offers nearly 70 subjects. So, it covers roughly 30 languages, and schools provide different academic combinations. The curriculum teaches students abilities like:

  • Deep mastery of topic Ability to apply theories to real-life challenges
  • Ability to adapt and change
  • The presence of the mind
  • Public speaking skills in English
  • Persuasion and influence
  • Empati untuk orang lain

#2. When Are The Cambridge IGCSE Exams?

The curriculum details when students can take exams. This can also be found on the public website or Teacher Support. Likewise, the exam dates will be listed in the test timetable and any questions can be directed to the Examinations Officer at the designated centre.


# 3. What Is The IGCSE Core And Extended?

For various disciplines, students can select core or extended curriculum papers. The Core Curriculum is for most students, whereas the Extended Curriculum is for individuals who excel in certain topics (and can even get an A*).

Here is some information on the Core and Extended Curriculum Grading:

Target grades                    Grades available
Core curriculum               C, D, E, F, G
Extended curriculum      A*, A, B, C, D, E


# 4. What Skills Can I Gain From IGCSE?

A variety of skills are taught in the IGSCE curriculum. Because solving problems requires both theoretical and practical knowledge, coursework and projects educate both. Students can learn skills such as,

  • Evaluative abilities and inference
  • Spontaneous problem-solving abilities
  • Mindfulness to solve problems
  • Proactive Inquisitive
  • Kreativitas
  • Refleksi

# 5. Does This Bring Good Chances?

Cambridge University is a world-renowned institution. As a result, students at this university are widely acknowledged as smart and intellectual. As a result, Cambridge IGSCE may open doors for students after they complete their final exams.

Students that excel in their tests can earn admission to prominent universities such as Harvard. Many well-known schools around the world accept the IGCSE, which makes it possible to go to a lot of different places.

The Grading System:

When a student is unique, they will have different skills and limitations when it comes to different things. The grading is done so that each one may be easily assessed. The extended and core curriculums provide a great deal of study options.

We can Assist You to Excel!

The ability to maintain consistency and continuity is essential for academic success. In any situation, Kampus Harimau allows your child to complete their programme without interruption, no matter where they are in life. Platform pembelajaran online kami replicates our in-class experience, allowing students to reap the benefits of working with their lecturers from any location in the world at their convenience.

  • As we build on these skills throughout the programme, school becomes simpler to manage, grades improve, and learning becomes more enjoyable once more.
  • Our tutors identify crucial study skills and topic areas where your child requires assistance based on the results of our complete examination.
  • Your child’s tutor will then develop a personalised tutoring programme to assist them in their pursuit of academic achievement!



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