Apakah Salahku Kalau Aku Belajar Keras Tapi Tetap Gagal?

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You worked hard in class and were well-versed in the material… unfortunately you failed the test.

Apa sebenarnya yang terjadi di sini?

Studying hard doesn’t guarantee you’ll ace your test; it’s just one element of exam preparation.


Effective study is the key to a good grade. And if you work hard but still get low scores, it’s probably your part.

It’s clear now that studying harder isn’t the key. But where to begin?

Here are 9 reasons why students fail despite studying.

#1 You Have Test Anxiety

The issue: If you’re so nervous that you lose focus throughout an exam, you may have test anxiety. This makes it difficult to recall study material and focus on the questions at hand.

The solution: If you’ve prepared well, attempt to relax on test day. Thoughts of preparation and familiarity with the content should be positive.


# 2 Why Aren’t You Learning?

The issue is that when you study, you memorise rather than think.

To solve this problem, you must first comprehend the content. Look for connections between the stuff you’re reviewing. This will help you grasp the material better.


#3 You Start Studying Late

So you procrastinate studying, not absorbing material before the test.

Solution: Establish a regular review schedule for your notes. Review your class notes every night. This regular review will help you retain the information.


#4 You Study Late at Night

It’s not that you don’t study, but that you don’t study consistently.

The solution: Sleeping well before a test helps shift content from short-term to long-term memory. Begin studying 3 days before your test to avoid last-minute studying late at night.


#5 Doing Too Much

You study for hours without taking breaks. But greater study time does not always guarantee better understanding.

To solve this, employ the spacing study method. To learn this way, you need to schedule sessions. Using this method will improve brain absorption and retention.


#6 Your Study Plan Is Missing

It’s difficult to focus on studying when you don’t have a study plan to follow.

Set goals for each study session. Keep track of your progress and evaluate areas as needed.


#7 Study Habits

It’s not that you didn’t study, but that you didn’t review enough to pass the test.

Start making better study notes now! Note significant points your teacher makes in class (particularly if they are repeated!). Keep track of these in your notes.


#8 You are only preparing for the exam

It’s a common misconception that studying is solely done in preparation for exams.

The solution: Use class conversations, peer study groups, and post-class note-taking as study chances. Difficulty in memorising stuff is reduced by studying daily.


#9 The Wrong Learning Method is Cause

The issue is that you are studying in a way that does not suit your learning style. Listening is the preferred method of learning for auditory learners.

Use our study guide to discover your learning style. Then, experiment with several study techniques to determine your favourites:

For auditory learners, recite your notes aloud while studying
Visual learners: employ mind maps or visual components such as colour to help them understand.
Writers: check class notes and make fresh study notes.
Aesthetic (hands-on) Matching games, for example, can help students learn by doing.



Our tutors can assist your child if he or she is putting in the effort but is still receiving poor marks.

To schedule an appointment, call Kampus Harimau now! We are able to membantu!


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