Apa itu Cetak Biru Pendidikan Malaysia 2022?

Cetak Biru Pendidikan Malaysia

Education Malaysia (EM) is an initiative from the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) was established as a company under the Companies Act, of 1965 and is wholly owned by MoHE.

What Is Malaysia Education Blueprint?
Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) is in charge of the higher education sector overall, including strategies and governance. The ministry’s role is to develop and provide policies, guidelines, and standards, as well as facilitate collaborations between all stakeholders to ensure that the higher education sector continues to be a key contributor toward transforming Malaysia into a high-income nation.

Education Malaysia (EM) is an initiative from the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) was established as a company under the Companies Act, of 1965 and is wholly owned by MoHE.

EMGS, formerly known as Education Malaysia London or EML, is the central coordinating unit that oversees all Malaysian students’ affairs in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Malta.

EMGS, formerly known as Education Malaysia London or EML, is the central coordinating unit that oversees all Malaysian students’ affairs in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Malta. The scope of our operations includes monitoring and providing advice on student welfare, giving guidance in matters such as financial arrangements and visas, and establishing relations with educational institutions and universities abroad to secure Malaysian students access to opportunities for further education at recognized institutions.

Our objective is to ensure that all students will have a smooth study experience overseas by enhancing their quality of life through the provision of adequate support services during their stay abroad.

We hope you will find this website beneficial while you are overseas. EMGS also welcomes any feedback on how we can improve our services so that your stay overseas will be a pleasant one

EMGS is one of the overseas branches of EM that provides services to Malaysian students, who are planning to pursue their tertiary education abroad.

Apa itu EMG?

Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) is the central coordinating unit that oversees all Malaysian students’ affairs in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Malta. It is an agency under the Ministry of Education that functions as a central point for all international student matters.

Malaysia wants to produce graduates that can compete globally.

Malaysia wants to be a developed country by 2023. That is why, in the Cetak Biru Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025, Malaysia has set a target to produce graduates that can compete globally. By doing this, it can improve the quality of education and empower their students to be more creative and innovative so that they will be able to contribute to the development of our country.

This is the main objective of the government to prepare students for the future.

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