Malaysia’s Top Universities for 2022 by Times Higher Education World University Rankings

times ranking  Feature

The World University Rankings for 2022 have been revealed by Times Higher Education. This year’s rating is the largest and most diversified yet, comparing almost 1,600 institutions from 99 countries around the world.

Oxford University (UK) gets the top rank for the sixth year in a row, which is unsurprising. Meanwhile, California Institute of Technology and Harvard University, both in the United States, have taken over second place from Stanford University last year.


But what about universities in Malaysia?


There were nine universities in the top 1,000 this year, with Universiti Malaya (UM) topping the way in the 301-350 area.



All of the universities that made the list deserve congratulations. It’s not simple to compete with over 1,600 other colleges throughout the world.


Of course, it’s vital to note that university rankings aren’t everything, even though they are a useful tool for comparison. Everyone has various requirements and needs, and selecting the ideal university is a matter of balancing them all.


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