The Teaching Methods in Malaysia


A country becomes well-known not just for its political and social successes, but also for its educational achievements. Malaysia has great educational techniques and procedures. We compiled a list of some of the most well-known Malaysian teaching approaches for growing strong children.

Malaysia’s quality assurance system for higher education is constantly increasing as the country strives to become a major educational hub. Since its inception in 2007, this system has been in charge of local education accreditation and teacher performance.

Problem-solving abilities and scientific knowledge, as well as administrative and entrepreneurial abilities, are all part of the system. There are numerous ways to accomplish this.

  • The Kumon Approach

With this technique, students can progress at their own speed and start anywhere. Students start at a level where they can attain a perfect score by studying alone using work sheets designed to help them answer questions independently. As a result of this strategy, students progress in grade level and develop a passion of learning.

  • The Waldorf Approach

In order to execute this technique, which seeks to engage children by providing them with a regular routine, teachers offering knowledge in this type of method must be Waldorf certified. The method emphasizes, among other things, creative learning, reading, acting, and singing. The children are not exposed to any form of media, technology, computers, or academics! Children do not spend much time outside and do not begin to read until the first grade, if at all.

  • The Montessori Approach

When utilised with youngsters, this method teaches them the value of self-reliance as well as the need of exposing them to a diverse range of opportunities and resources. The technique takes advantage of the child’s willingness to learn and used it to build skills in an ideal atmosphere. Teachers must first have a Montessori education diploma in order to implement this approach.

  • Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah

PBL became popular around the millennium’s turn. The core principle of PBL is that students learn by solving real-world problems rather than theoretical ones. A student must consider economics in addition to biology and chemistry.

Since the 1970s, PBL has been studied at Aalborg and Roskilde universities. DTU has group work experience, particularly with enterprises requesting research assistance. Malaysian universities could benefit from these lessons.

However, PBL originated in Denmark. In Malaysia, it was viewed as a top-down initiative. The workforce must be enthusiastic about changing educational techniques.

  • Home Based Tutoring

Private tuition shapes students’ intellectual personalities. This is becoming increasingly common as schooling becomes increasingly difficult.
Students believe that classroom materials and guidance are inadequate for their success. As a result, many students prefer online, group, or one-on-one home tutoring. This advice goes beyond what is taught in school. This can help students prepare for tests and feel more confident about passing admission exams or getting into a renowned university.


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