The Top Universities in Malaysia According to the QS World University Rankings 2022

The QS World University Rankings 2022, published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), pit the world’s best and brightest against each other.

University Malaya (UM), Malaysia’s oldest university, has dropped to 65th place in the world rankings. Despite dropping six places, UM maintained its position as one of the top 100 colleges in the world, giving it the second-best ranking performance in the rankings’ history.

While 12 Malaysian universities dropped in the QS rankings, five others performed admirably by climbing the ladder. Taylor’s University, in particular, advanced 47 ranks, securing its position as Malaysia’s top private university for the second year in a row.

In other news, top-rated American tech university Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) topped the list for the 10th year in a row, followed by Oxford University in second and Stanford University in third.

Congratulations to the 22 Malaysian universities that have been included in the QS World University Rankings 2022, putting us one step closer to becoming a global leader in education.

However, when determining where to study, university rankings should not be the only criterion to consider. Other important considerations include your career route, affordability, school facilities, and climate, all of which play a role in ensuring you have a positive college experience. Best of luck in making sensible decisions!


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