Kurikulum, Metodologi, dan Penilaian IGCSE Kampus Tiger

Sampul IGCSE

You can’t expect to do well in your IGCSEs if you don’t put in the effort. Likewise, students will be better prepared for exams if they grasp the examination system and Cambridge’s educational philosophy. It’s lot easier to concentrate on your exam preparation if you know the expectations.


As a result of this synergy, IGCSE’s curriculum is predicated on a natural flow between what students learn and how they learn it, as well as the way they are evaluated.



Students are not simply taught facts. Pedagogy, or teaching approach, is used to teach them how to appreciate, understand, and apply what they’ve learned.

In spite of how to develop assessment questions? What a pupil studied, but also how effectively they understood it and used it.



Curriculum coherence refers to the coordination of content, instruction, and evaluation.

For this reason, IGCSE topics and objectives must be understood. You can better focus your study and preparation efforts if you know exactly what is expected of you.

Indeed, students may be inclined to focus solely on the material, not thinking why they are required to comprehend and retain information.

So, it’s difficult enough for kids to meet the requirements of a test like the IGCSE without having to understand the objectives and assessment process.

The Cambridge Board’s standards and expectations will guide the learning support you receive here. There are ways to ensure that your learning and exam preparation will help you get the results you desire.

Exam success involves more than just a comprehensive understanding of the material. It demands the capacity to communicate what you’ve learnt in a form that’s acceptable to the test supervisors.


Kita bisa melakukannya!

Kampus Harimau understands the IGCSE kurikulum, methodology, and assessment procedure is an excellent option to meet these needs. You’ll get the help you need with proven instructors and a history of IGCSE success.

With our Individual course, Tiger Campus provides completely customised and flexible IGCSE preparation. These sessions are one-on-one and can be scheduled on any day of the week based on your availability. We provide courses in a variety of IGCSE disciplines, and you may continue your education with our A level or IB preparation once you finish your IGCSE exams.

Most of our students want to come in for regular lessons every week so they can be completely prepped and stay ahead of their class, though you’re also free to come in to focus on specific areas where you perlu bantuan, or to work on last-minute concerns leading up to your school examinations.


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Sampul IGCSE

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