Tips Bagi Pelajar dan Orang Tua Malaysia Agar Tetap Belajar Sesuai Jalurnya

Lokakarya Liburan

The holidays are coming up soon! Keeping kids learning over the holidays? While a break from routine is beneficial and necessary, spending too much time away from it may jeopardize learning momentum.

Incorporating learning-focused activities into the holiday schedule assists children in maintaining their learning momentum, allowing them to be bright and ready to study when school returns in January.

Try some of the following ideas to keep your child’s learning momentum going throughout the school break:


The whole family may enjoy crafts. They help students learn to pay attention to detail, follow directions, and keep focus. These activities foster imagination and creativity. Plus, kids get a lovely project to be proud of!


You can take on the challenge of having your child teach you how to play a video game if you are up for it.

Kid teachers can think logically about the game and how they play it–an excellent learning tool!


Strategy, analysis, and planning skills can be developed through board games. They also aid with arithmetic, subtraction, and reading comprehension.


Enjoy the Christmas weather with a family hike! Chase the kids. Have a snowball war or go for a walk around the neighborhood.

Physical activity improves memory through increasing blood flow to the brain. Simply said, getting the blood pumping gets the wheels going.


Reading is a fantastic method to practice school skills over the break. Books help children unplug as well as give stories of fantastic adventures. Reading also improves vocabulary and reading comprehension. These are great skills for the classroom.


Writing provides several health benefits for children, from stress alleviation to mental clarity. Anything goes in a journal! They can be used to sketch, list, and collect favorite phrases. Writing in a journal means setting aside daily time to actively ponder and record the mental process.


A visit to a museum, science center, aquarium, planetarium, or cultural center, whether online or in person, is always a great way to learn something new! Learn more about your national culture’s interests in science, history, and nature.


With more time on our hands, we may tackle a project at home that can engage the whole family and help everyone grow skills like organization, creativity, and communication.


With the various things we got, we wrote thank you cards to practise spelling, writing, and penmanship. You may even add festive vocabulary to it. If you’re a crafter, make a card with a handwritten letter and mail it to someone who needs a Christmas boost, like the elderly in a long-term care home.

Holiday learning doesn’t have to include math homework or essay writing! Indeed, there are plenty of easy, family-friendly holiday activities that teach, entertain, and prepare kids for the new year!



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