Universiti Malaya Memungkinkan Pertukaran Pengetahuan

Universiti Malaya has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with an American data storage and hard disc drive manufacturer to invest in the university over the following five years in order to get access to expertise and research possibilities through knowledge exchange. This collaboration strengthens academia-industry alliances that seek to advance, aid in, transform communities, and spark change in the modern technological environment.


The occasion took place in Petaling Jaya at the company’s Kuala Lumpur Center of Excellence. The Director-General of the Ministry of Higher Education, the Director of the Department of Higher Education’s Community and Industry Collaboration Division, and the Director of the Malaysian Investment and Development Authority’s Advanced Technology and R&D Division all attended the signing ceremony (MIDA).


According to the VP and Managing Director of the company’s Tech and Regional Center, this strategic industry-university partnership is an essential part of the innovation process and offers the university and Western Digital a variety of advantages.


Academics will be given access to fresh knowledge, data, and resources, as well as significant industry-related experience, enabling their research to have real-world effects. Benefits will be realized in the form of improved business performance through collaboration with the students in developing new techniques or technologies, gaining access to new graduate talent, and utilizing the university’s cutting-edge resources, in addition to providing university students with beneficial exposure to the industry.


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) of Universiti Malaya stated that as Malaysia’s top university, UM continues to lead on numerous fronts and leverages its many talents and strengths to forge new collaborations, partnerships, and engagements with national and international industries to ensure that they remain at the cutting edge.


The Malaysian government’s top objective is to enable digital transformation. The digital economy, according to Malaysia, is comprised of economic and social activities that involve the creation and application of digital technology by people, organizations, and the government.


Through reciprocal investigation, analysis, and participation amongst significant public and commercial sector parties, this definition was formalized. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the G20, and the governments of Australia and Canada are among the sources of the study mentioned.


As a result of the broad adoption of digital technology, the fourth industrial revolution (fourth IR) produced the digital economy. The World Economic Forum claims that 4IR encompasses a variety of technologies that progressively connect the physical, digital, and biological realms.


Like the preceding industrial revolution, the fourth industrial revolution likewise brings about enormous economic changes. Almost every industry in the world is today experiencing rapid, unprecedented transformation, which is altering production, management, and administrative practices. The 4IR adoption boom of digital technology combined with data integration will hasten the expansion of the digital economy.


The Malaysian Digital Economy Blueprint (MyDIGITAL) initiative was created by the government to support Malaysia’s transition into 4IR. It reflects the government’s goal of transforming Malaysia into a high-income country that is focused on digitalization and is a regional leader in the digital economy.


The myDIGITAL aspiration was fulfilled by the efforts and initiatives of the myDIGITAL framework. The trajectory of the digital economy’s contributions to the Malaysian economy will be determined by this blueprint, which also lays the groundwork for national digitalization and the closing of the digital gap.


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