Apa yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang persiapan ujian IGCSE 2022!

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We can assist you study for examinations or help you to improve the marks. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, we can help you find relevant information. We can help with these simple suggestions.

# 1> Months before exams:

Now is the moment to plan your revision schedule. You must:

  1. Find out about the exam (are questions multiple choice or essay-based?)
  2. Make a revision schedule

Revising Tips:

Plan revision for your most productive times of day. For example, if you are most alert in the morning, conduct your studying then. You should also:

  • Prioritising tests that account for a lot of a subject’s grade
  • Use books, audio aids, and online video summaries to revise
  • Underline key points in your study notes
  • Make time for relaxing with family and friends

# 2> One month before exams:

You will get your Statement of Entry one month prior to the exam. Your Statement of Entry will notify you when your tests are so you can plan your vacation. Please remember to bring your Statement of Entry with you on the day of the examination.

Your Exam Day has extra details on what to bring and how to view your timetables.

Meanwhile, keep revising according to your own plan, but remember to take breaks.

# 3> Exam day quick tips:

The big day is finally here. It’s normal to be nervous before a big event. Follow a few more basic ways to relax and do well in exams. Try:

  • Calmly and evenly inhale
  • Sip water throughout the exam and check each answer, especially if you finish early.
  • Remember to write an essay having a beginning, middle, and end. Introduction, body (about 75% of total word count), and conclusion or summary.

Tiger Campus: A Brief Biography

Kampus Harimau is a 1-1 Live Online Tutoring Platform that covers IGCSE, IB, and other curriculums. Tiger Campus also offers IGCSE to IB bridge courses. Obtain your FREE 60-minute trial today by registering online or by filling out a trial application form.

Mendaftar di kami IGCSE Grades Booster Program today to improve your grades!


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