Panduan Cepat Ujian Ulang SPM Anda

Panduan untuk Mengikuti Ujian Ulang SPM Fitur

Your SPM scores will influence a variety of factors in the future, including your tertiary education path, courses you can apply for, and your chances of receiving a scholarship, to name a few.

But what if your SPM scores aren’t up to par? Perhaps you want to go into a competitive field like medicine, pharmacy, or dentistry. Perhaps you want to continue studying but need to achieve the minimum standards (at least 3Cs to enter into a diploma degree).

Retaking your SPM exams is one method to correct this situation. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to apply to retake SPM and what to keep in mind.

#1. How do I apply for a retake (SPM Ulangan) ?

1st step: Become an SPM Ulangan Candidate by registering.

Fill in the essential information — your IC number, the year of your test, and your exam number — on the Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia website to register. Make sure you fill in all of the information correctly. After you click to continue, you’ll be prompted to provide your personal information.

Step 2: Decide on your subjects

You can choose the papers you want to retake in this area. You’ll have to pay the fees in accordance with the number of subjects you want to retake. After you’ve chosen your subjects, the total amount of costs will be presented.

Step 3: Decide where you’ll retake your SPM exams.

You’ll need to choose an examination center based on your state and district. Once you’ve entered your state and district, a list of examination centers (that haven’t yet hit their maximum capacity quota) will appear for you to select from.

Step 4: Double-check your information.

Before clicking “Send,” double-check that all of the information you’ve provided is right and accurate. After you’ve verified your information and read the terms and conditions, don’t forget to click the box at the bottom of the page. When you’ve finished your online application, print it off (Senarai Semak Pendaftaran) together with the registration summary statement (Kenyataan Semakan).

5th Step: Send your documentation to the Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN) or the Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah (PPD).

The following documents must be brought with you:

  • a copy of your Senarai Semak Pendaftaran on paper
  • Three copies of your Kenyataan Semakan are required.
  • a copy of a government-issued photo ID (e.g. IC, passport)
  • a copy of your SPM score sheet
  • Make your payment to Akauntan Negara Malaysia in cash, bank draft, or postal cash.
  • 4 A5-sized copies of prepaid Pos Laju or Express Post envelopes (envelopes can be purchased at the centres)


#2. Retaking SPM: What You Should Know

a) Keep the deadline in mind

After you obtain your SPM results, the deadline to register for SPM Ulangan is usually within 2-3 weeks. So, if you’re thinking of retaking your SPM, make a decision quickly and get started!

b) Make a note of the dates of your papers.

You’re expected to prepare for your tests on your own, so without frequent reminders from your lecturers, it’s easy to forget the dates of your exam papers.

Make a note of them in your planners and calendars, and record the dates in your phone.

c) You must study alone.

Unfortunately, you will very certainly be unable to return to secondary school for classes.

You’ll have to prepare your papers on your own. Attending tuition sessions to supplement your own study is recommended so that you can continue to receive guidance from teachers who can enhance your grasp of the topics in which you are weak.

d) Under SPM Ulangan, only three topics can be taken.

You should be aware that for SPM Ulangan, you can only enrol for three subjects:

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If you want to retake papers for other subjects, you’ll need to register as an SPM private candidate and sit for the exams in February 2022 alongside the rest of the current year’s SPM students.

e) A retake of your SPM can take up to a year.

As previously said, if you want to sit for courses that are not covered by SPM Ulangan, expect to be delayed for another year. By the time you’re done, your friends will have had at least a 6-month head start.

So give it a lot of thought.


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