Inspiring Children to Learn a Foreign Language is a Good Thing


A study by Illinois State University found students who study foreign languages tend to score better on standardised tests than their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of maths, reading, and vocabulary.

They are superior at problem solving and multitasking because they can readily transition between languages. In addition to having more linguistic rules and complexities to memorise, they have stronger memories. More facts and associations to remember when conversing.

#1. It broadens their horizons

When learning a foreign language, you don’t simply learn about vocabulary, you also learn about the country’s culture and society. Your child will have a greater appreciation for the world we live in and a more educated international outlook. Also, being able to communicate in the native language whilst abroad will be a real moment of pride and a great confidence boost.

#2. It’s a way to challenge a gifted child

Learning a foreign language is a great extra-curricular activity to challenge a gifted child. It will keep their minds stimulated and focused, and ensures that they remain enthusiastic and continue to enjoy the learning process.

#3. It enhances their skillset

Looking to the long term, the ability to speak a foreign language is a great skill to boast on their CV. It is particularly attractive to employers in multinational companies, who are looking for individuals capable of embracing additional responsibilities.

A child’s brain is better at absorbing and retaining new information; so in general terms, the younger you are, the easier you will find it to learn a new language. However, the good thing is, people who begin language study in their adult lives can still achieve the same levels of fluency as a young learner, and can still reap the same benefits.

So what are you waiting for? Why not make learning a foreign language a family affair!


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